Hand, Wrist and Arm Therapy
P: 02 6925 0157
Need some help with your appointment?
If you have questions, we have the answers!
Scroll below to find out how we can help you with your appointment.
How can we help you today?
How to book an appointment online
We have an online booking option. This means you can book an appointment with any of our therapist. The program lets you book either an initial appointment (choose this if you are new to seeing us or returning with a new injury) or a followup consultation (choose this if you have already seen us for your current situation).
All you need to do is click on the button below and the program will guide you through.
You can choose the therapist you would like to see.
Helpful information to know about appointments
Our team are dedicated to making sure all our clients get a great service from us. We don’t want anyone to feel like a nobody. Rest assured you are valued here with us. Therapy is not free. Costs for an initial consult are $185 and ongoing treatment consults are $175 for a standard and $105 for our petite. If you see any of our new therapists to the team who are settling in, the consultation fee is reduced. They are experienced to see you, so no worries there, but they may take a little longer in their treatment sessions in their new job with us while they are learning where things are, and how we work.
If you need things like a cast, or a splint, or exercise equipment to take home with you then there is also an additional charge for these items. If you are worried at all about this, please call and talk to our friendly team and we can provide you with a quote if you need.
We do require payment on the day of the appointment, so make sure you bring with you some way of paying - this can be cash, a cheque book, or a bank card. If your appointment is online, we will contact you for payment.
Late notice to change an appointment:
We kindly ask for 24 hours notice if you intend to cancel your appointment so we may offer your spot to someone else. If you are not able to make your appointment, and do not give us 24 hours notice, we will need to apply a $70 fee. Forgetful? No stress, we send out text message reminders that will come the day before your appointment. The $70 fee will be added to your account and an invoice sent to you. If you have any concerns, please talk to us.
Need to contact us:
Please please do reach out. We find it is much better to call and ask a question (anything at all.... never feel silly or worried.... we really are here to help).
If you do have any further questions about your appointment or any other aspect of therapy, please feel free to contact us on 02 6925 0157 or email to admin@riverinahandtherapy.com.au.
About us
We are here to deliver engaging whole-hearted services to people in Regional Australia to enhance 'usefulness' and create 'good' internally and externally. To us, everyone needs to feel like there is a place for them, and that is why we aim to help people return to feeling their useful self. We also believe we are here to create benefit and improvement for you, and the community.